SyncNow App Configuration
SyncNow has two configuration files, such as backend services configuration and frontend configuration. During installation these files are set with defaults.
Backend Services Configuration
Backend configuration file defines logging, database connectivity and HTTP/S connectivity. appsettings.json configuration file is located at the root of SyncNow Installation.
We strongly recommend using HTTPS TLS communication with SyncNow.
Below appsetting.json file settings.
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": { This is for system logging - to get more info set the value the Debug
"Default": "Information",
"System": "Warning",
"Microsoft": "Warning"
"Settings": {
"DatabaseConfiguration": { Database configuration
"DatabaseType": "SQLLite", Database type - valid values are SQLLite,SQLServer, PostgreSQL
"Timeout": 60, Database connection timeout
******These values are valid for SQLServer, PostgreSQL only
"Server": "localhost", Database server name
"Port": 5432, Database communication port
"Username": "syncnowuser", Database credentials - username
"Password": "", Database credentials - password (will be encrypted on first load)
"WindowsAuth": false, if to use windows security credentials - valid only for SQL Server
"TransportEncrypt": false, Database Transport encryption
"Database": "SyncNow" , Database name
"File": ".\Database\SyncNow.db" - Valid only for SQLLite - database location
"Kestrel": { SyncNow TCP Port connections
"Endpoints": {
"Http": { http (not encrypted endpoint) - we strongly recommend removing HTTP segment if users can login directly to SyncNow (without secured load balancer or reverse proxy)
"Url": "http://+:5030" - port can be changed from 5030 to another port, if the port is changed please change also the frontend config file, will be explained later in this article
"Https": { https (secured encrypted endpoint)
"Url": "https://+:5031", port can be changed from 5030 to another port, if the port is changed please change also the frontend config file, will be explained later in this article
"Protocols": "Http1",
"Certificate": { set here your certificate for TLS communication in pfx format
"Path": "syncnowapp.pfx",
"Password": "Admin" set here your certificate password
Frontend Configuration
app.json configuration file is located at the WebApp folder under the root of SyncNow Installation.
"apiEndpoint": "http://localhost:5030" set here backend full url including the http scheme